
Developing Impact in Equitable and Transformative Partnership Working With Africa

The recently adopted Africa Charter aims to promote a transformative mode of partnership working in research based on knowledge co-creation. Co-led by a cross-disciplinary team, this project will synthesise learning from two GCRF-funded networks (CONNECTED and TESF) and other Africa-facing projects involving University of Bristol researchers. Learning will be used to develop and test a benchmarking toolkit and associated training materials for reviewing collaboration modes and monitoring and assessing outcomes and impacts of co-created research projects in Africa in line with the Charter. The toolkit will be disseminated widely in the UK and Africa using extensive, existing networks. The project will create a sustainable community of practice of researchers in Bristol and in Africa in the area of knowledge co-creation. The team will liaise with UKRI and other funding bodies to ensure learning is embedded in future funding calls involving Africa.

This project is supported by a Strategic Impact Award, funded by the University of Bristol EPSRC-ESRC Impact Accelerator Account in 2023-2024.