Meet the team

This project is jointly led by the Schools of Education, Policy Studies and Biological Sciences.


Professor Leon Tikly, UNESCO Chair in Inclusive, Good Quality Education; Global Chair in Education, School of Education, and Principal Investigator of the TESF Network (Transforming Education for Sustainable Futures).

Leon’s research interests lie in education for sustainable development in a postcolonial world, the quality of education in low income countries, African education\globalisation and education, the achievement of Black and Minority Ethnic learners in the UK and Europe, postcolonialism/decolonisation, and critical realism.



Professor Isabella Aboderin Professor Isabella Aboderin, Chair in Africa Research and Partnerships and Director of the Perivoli Africa Research Institute (PARC), and Professor of Gerontology, School of Policy Studies.

Isabella’s research and engagement focus on i) the nature and need for transformation in Africa-global North research relations, and ii) issues of ageing, intergenerational relations and care in African contexts.




Dr Andy Bailey Dr Andy Bailey, Reader in Molecular Mycology, School of Biological Sciences and Co-Director of the CONNECTED Network (Community Network for Vector-Borne Plant Viruses).

Andy works on fungal molecular genetics and genomics, fungicide research, with broad interests in plant pathology and insect pathology.





Nina Ockendon-Powell Dr Nina Ockendon-Powell, Senior Research Associate, School of Biological Sciences.

Nina is a Senior Research Associate working on the impacts of vector-borne plant viruses of nutritionally-important crops in a changing climate, with particular interests in viral diversity in ecological settings plus insect vector distributions and control.



Dr Eyob Gebremariam Dr Eyob Balcha Gebremariam, Research Associate, School of Policy Studies.

Eyob is a Research Associate at the Perivoli Africa Research Centre (PARC), University of Bristol. His primary areas of interest are: the politics of knowledge production in Africa, the political economy of development, African political economy and young people’s engagement in politics.